Website Design: Branchline Church

Website Mock-up Branchline.png

Website Design for Church in Hastings, MN

Branchline Church had recently gone through some rebranding and needed a website to fit their new brand. They had attempted to build their own website using Wix, but had trouble with the look of the website. The struggle they faced using Wix was more than just figuring out the visuals, they also lacked fluid responsive design due to the platform.

What they needed:

Luckily, Branchline Church had just undergone a rebrand and had a great style guide set up through their designer and also had an extensive folder of photos for us to work with. What they needed was a responsive website that was easy for them to learn to update and that followed the aesthetics laid out in their style guide.

What we did:

Since the client needed a strong visual design for their website and a platform that was easy to understand, we decided the best course of action for them would be to build their website in Squarespace.

This website design included:

  • Reorganizing the site structure to a more clear navigation

  • Designing a website that accurately portrayed the style guide

  • Page layouts.

  • Custom CSS to add font and custom designs

  • Custom Icons that match brand


Website Design: MELSA


Website Design: OFTAMS